Leigh Faulkner

Education changes everything...

More Online Opportunities to Learn!

Six courses on Alison.com
• Facilitating Adult Learning Groups
• Mastering the Academic Desk Research Paper
• Deep Reading
• Appreciating Metaphor
• Foundations of Effective Oral Communication
• The Learning Resources Road to Academic Success
• Workplace Essential Skills Training Needs Assessment

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Mastering the Academic Desk Research Paper
(Available on Alison.com)

Desk research papers are widely assigned in college and university. This course gives you detailed guidance in creating a first quality desk research paper –– the kind of guidance that you may not get in any of your classes.

The course consists of 39 video lectures, starting with assignment analysis and ending with polishing the final paper. Crucial stages of the paper development process –– such as, for example, developing a narrow topic, writing an effective thesis statement or research question, identifying sources, carrying out targeted research, information analysis, proper citation, peer editing, revision, and rewriting –– are all explained and demonstrated in almost five hours of video. In addition, over 800 pages of supplementary materials are provided for download.

This course is designed for college and university students, but would be an excellent preparatory course for high school students going on to further study –– especially if undertaken with the support of a teacher.

Facilitating Adult Learning Groups
(Available on Alison.com)

Instructing groups of diverse adult learners is a special field –– different in significant ways from instruction in an institutional academic setting. The adult learner brings to the learning situation many strengths, as well as needs, that the instructor must understand and take into account.

A crucial consideration for the instructor is his or her own role, which is vastly different from that of the traditional teacher. This course provides the guidance for the instructor to adapt to the new role.

This course consists of 26 carefully focused video lectures.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Learner diversity
  • Characteristics and needs of adult learners
  • Collaborative learning
  • The instructor as facilitator
  • Problem-based learning
  • Effective group structure and dynamics
  • Effective collaborative tasks
  • The power of formative assessment

Deep Reading
(Available on Alison.com)

This free online reading skills course will introduce you to “deep reading” and show you how to select and apply strategies appropriate to the purpose for reading each particular text, how to consciously apply the metacognitive process, how to apply a skilled approach to comprehending text and constructing meaning from and with text.

If you want to develop your reading skills, this free course gives you that opportunity.

Having completed this module, you will be able to:
  • Explain the importance of prior knowledge when reading a text
  • Describe the use of the K-W-L-H chart to guide your learning
  • Distinguish pre-reading strategies appropriate to the text to be read
  • Identify the textual structural factors to consider when reading a text
  • Select appropriate post-reading strategies to consolidate your learning
  • Describe bottom-up, top-down, and interactive reading approaches
  • Identify the metacognitive skills involved in reading
  • Contrast skimming and scanning techniques
  • Explain the construction and use of the word bank
  • Compare and contrast vocabulary mapping structures
  • Describe the text summarizing process
  • Recognize bias in texts

Appreciating Metaphor
(Available on Alison.com)

In this course you will gain an understanding of how metaphor creates meaning in English, how to use the knowledge of metaphor to understand English at a deep level, and how to unlock new metaphors by applying knowledge of metaphor structure and function.

After completing this course, you will be able to:
  • Recognize that metaphor is a basic element of English.
  • Explain how metaphor is a way of thinking that gives rise to ways of expressing thoughts.
  • Describe how metaphor works.
  • Identify how the mapping theory of metaphor is a useful way to unlock the meaning of both ordinary and less common expressions.
  • Analyze a number of top-level metaphors.
  • Distinguish ways top-level metaphors provide models for the construction of basic-level metaphors.
  • Indicate a new depth of understanding and appreciation of the rich expressiveness of English.

Foundations of Effective Oral Communication
(Available on Alison.com)

Having completed this course, you will be able to:
  • Identify barriers to effective oral communication
  • Describe the elements of the oral communication process
  • Explain the effective use of empathic listening
  • Differentiate between situations requiring either formal or informal feedback
  • Determine when to use open-ended and closed questions during feedback events
  • Analyze behaviours associated with four specific communication styles
  • Recognize characteristics of the four personality types identified by the DiSC inventory
  • Differentiate between the “5 Whys” and the “Funnel” information-gathering strategies
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of self-disclosure during the oral communication process
  • Relate the four areas of the Johari Window to oral communication
  • Identify major events that have influenced current generations

The Learning Resources Road to Academic Success
(Available on

Gain an in-depth understanding of the wide range of learning resources available to support your academic success. Learn how to use the resources to achieve the best results with foundational processes that need to be widely implemented when using learning resources. Next, graphic and procedural resources for vocabulary building are explained. You will then examine the process of brainstorming prior knowledge and learn the benefits of self-generated questions to guide your learning and how to integrate all this effectively using the K-W-L-H resource.

You will learn the power of social interactions to support your learning. Study buddies, study groups, informal discussion groups, and cooperative and collaborative learning processes offer you significant benefits. You will learn the importance of seminars and symposia and understand how university-based resources, such as the syllabus and learning management system, can help you succeed. You will also be introduced to special digital resources available through the library, such as “Open Educational Resources” and “Highwire.”

If you are determined to raise your academic achievement, this course shows you how. As a student, you have access to many resources, but you must understand how to take advantage of them. This course will give you a new understanding of the resources available and how to use them to your advantage. You owe it to yourself to get the best return for your time, money, and effort investment. So why not enrol in this free course and use resources to become a more productive student.

Workplace Essential Skills Training Needs Assessment
(Available on

Using a simulation model involving a fictitious toy manufacturing company, this course gives you an in-depth understanding of the process of structuring and conducting a needs assessment of workplace essential skills. The course starts with an examination of essential skills and their importance as foundational skills upon which job-specific skills can be built. You will learn about National Occupational Codes and their importance to you, as a consultant, when you are planning a workplace training needs assessment. Next, you will learn a way to determine whether a training needs assessment is needed in a particular workplace. You will then learn the roles of the project team and the consultant and the qualities the consultant needs in order to perform the tasks in a professional manner.

Mastering the Academic Desk Research Paper


Facilitating Adult Learning Groups


Deep Reading


Appreciating Metaphor


Foundations of Effective Oral Communication


The Learning Resources Road to Academic Success


Workplace Essential Skills Training Needs Assessment
